Course curriculum

    1. Transformative Harmonics™, Paula Scatoloni

    2. A Message from Paula

    3. Before We Begin

    4. Self Care

    5. Important Reminders

    1. Agreement to Participate: Disclosure

    2. Rest and Restore Consent

    3. Disclosure Signature

    4. Embodied Recovery Institute Disclosure

    5. Copyright

    6. Copyright Signature

    1. Our Shifting Cosmology

    2. Accelerating Our Evolution of Consciousness

    3. The Dance Between Shiva and Shakti

    4. Embodied Explorations of the Psyche and Soma

    5. Program Structure: 4 Element Mandala

    6. Weekly Intentions: PDF (Weekly Sheet for Tracking Intentions)

    1. Sound Journey Feb 18, 2025

    2. Sound Journey Feb 25, 2025

    3. Sound Journey, March 4, 2025

    1. Resources on the Larger Perspective Shifts

    1. The Intersection of Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Healing

    2. Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Handout

    3. Our Sacred Archetypes

    4. Our Collective Wounds

    5. Tending to Our Shadow

    6. Our Ancestral Lineage

    7. Restoring Balance Within

    8. Healing Through Our Collective Songlines

    9. The Alchemist Path

About this course

  • Free
  • 146 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Blending Modern Science with Ancient Wisdom

Learning to Recalibrate the Mind, Body, and Heart through Science, Somatics, Sound, and Spirituality