Course curriculum

    1. Transformative Harmonics™, Paula Scatoloni

    2. Welcome Message

    3. A Message from Paula

    4. Before We Begin

    5. Self Care

    6. Important Reminders

    7. Zoom Link and Dates

    1. Agreement to Participate: Disclosure

    2. Disclosure Signature

    3. Embodied Recovery Institute Disclosure

    4. Copyright

    5. Copyright Signature

    6. Consent RRP

    1. Lesson 1: Opening the Solar and Lunar Pathways

    2. Lessons 2: Feb 21, 2025 Sound Journey Music

    1. Review Level I

    2. Lesson One: Review, The Paradigm Shift

    3. Lesson Two: Review, Overlap Individual, Ancestral, and Collective Healing

    4. Lesson 3: Review, Our Sacred Archetypes

    5. Lesson 4: Review, Tending to Our Shadow

    6. Lesson 5: Review, The Self Assessment

    1. Lesson 1: Sound, Light, and Thought

    2. Lesson 3: The Womb As An Aspect of the Core Self

    3. Lesson 2: Sacral (Womb) Cosmology

    4. Lesson 4: Biofield Healing

    5. Lesson 5: Psycho-Spiritual Experiences

    6. Lesson 6: Accessing Your Embodied Wisdom

    7. Lesson 7: Types of Embodied Wisdom

    8. Weekly Intentions: PDF (Weekly Sheet for Tracking Intentions)

    1. Lesson 1: Yielding Sound Journey

    2. Lesson 2: Push Sound Journey

    3. Lesson 3: Reach Sound Journey

    4. Lesson 4: Grasp and Hold Sound Journey

    5. Lesson 5: Heart-Centered Existence Sound Journey

About this course

  • Free
  • 66 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Blending Modern Science with Ancient Wisdom

Learning to Recalibrate the Mind, Body, and Heart through Science, Somatics, Sound, and Spirituality