Self Harmonics

Companion Guide

    1. Consent and Confidentiality

    2. Copyright

    3. Consent and Confidentiality Agreement

    4. Copyright Agreement

    1. Welcome to Transformative Harmonics™

    2. Meet Paula Marie

    3. A Message from Paula Marie

    4. What Brings You Here?

    5. A Bridge to the Authentic Self

    6. Course Set-Up

    1. Ancient Rhythms

    2. How Sound Heals: Ancient Wisdom

    3. Contemporary Sound Healing: Psychoacoustics

    4. Vibration

    5. Your Vibration Matters

    6. Resonance

    7. Coherence

    8. Magnetism

    9. Reflection on Vibration and Resonance

    10. Cymatics

    11. Emotions As Sound Waves

    12. Psychoacoustics

    13. Sound Healing, Ancient and Modern Perspectives

    14. Science and Shamanism, Peter Levine

    15. Ancestral and Collective Healing

    16. The Cosmic Address of Memories

    1. Types of Music Used in Inner Alchemy Sound Journeys

    2. Sensory-Somatic Tools

    1. Polyvagal Theory

    2. Our Ancestral Roots

    3. SSP Set-up and Preparation

    4. Unyte-ILS Playlists

    5. The Science Behind the SSP

    6. Nervous System Retuning

    1. Holding Space for Younger "Parts"

    2. Post Listening Tips

    3. Assessing Change

    4. Lifestyle Changes

Companion Guide

  • 123 lessons

Unifying the Body, Mind, and Heart through Self Harmonics