Embodied Wisdom Mentorship Program
CourseEmbodied Wisdom Mentorship Program is a 4 month mentorship on the integration of Science, Sound, Somatics, and Spirituality. This program will help you embrace your gifts in somatics, sound, and energy psychology.
Masterclass 8.27: Awakening the Inner Child through Spirituality, Somatics, Sound, and Science
CourseAwakening the Inner Child through Spirituality, Sound, Somatics, and Science is an integrative sound healing experience that combines modern science, psychology, and mysticism to align you with your true essence (Self).
Masterclass 8.1: Embodying the Unified Self: Awakening the Inner Child through Sound, Science and Somatics
CourseEmbodying the Unified Self: Awakening the Inner Child through Sound, Science and Somatics is an integrative sound healing experience that combines modern science, psychology, and mysticism to bring you into alignment with your true essence (Self).
Rebirthing Ourselves- Bundle
BundleRebirthing Ourselves This unique series on the application of the Safe and Sound Program through the lens of Interpersonal Neurobiology, Somatic Experience, Embodied Recovery, and Bodymind Centering.
Rebirthing Ourselves: Embodying Grasp and Hold
CourseEmbodying Hold & Pull: In part 4 we learn how we keep ourselves out of states of self-love and deep compassion. We explore practices for accessing states of embodied presence and self-acceptance through the wisdom traditions.
Rebirthing Ourselves: Embodying Reach
CourseEmbodying Reach: In part 3 we learn how the body communicates through the language of sensations and explore embodied emotions through somatic practices. We learn how Somatic Experiencing principles support us in embodiment of emotions.